***IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ BEFORE REGISTERING*** Snorkeling is now sold out - contact Shelly Hakes to be put on a wait list
To register for the meeting please do the following:
1. REGISTER YOURSELF Click on REGISTER at the bottom of the page. (Current members will need to be logged into their account to get the member rate) All the information on the first page pertains to YOU ONLY. Do not include guest tickets when completing the screen to register yourself.
*Note - All guests participating in any of the FSTCS meeting events must be registered and have a name badge. If your guests are not going to be participating in any of the meeting events you do not need to register them.
2. REGISTER YOUR GUEST (if you do not have guests, skip to #4) When you have completed your information, click on ADD GUEST at the bottom of the screen. Complete the information for your first guest/family member so we can prepare a name badge. MAKE SURE TO COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: -Select which type of guest ticket is needed for your guest -Complete the guest's RSVP for the events -Include age if guest is a child
Click on DONE
3. REGISTER ADDITIONAL GUESTS If you have additional guests to register, scroll to the bottom of the screen and repeat instructions in #2 until all your guests have been added.
4. FINISH THE REGISTRATION Click on NEXT to review your registration and pay.
Phone: 1 (904) 356-9300883 7th Avenue South, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250